Ghana Compact Partners
Civil Society Organizations
The Ghana Compact will be driven by citizens and shaped by the aspirations of young people for the Ghana we want by 2050. In partnership with ACET, civil society organizations will lead community and district levels consultations to obtain citizens views on the goals and targets set forth in the technical papers. These community consultations will be organized around professional groupings or associations like women’s groups, youth groups, farmers, the GPRTU, labor unions, and grassroot associations.

The Integrated Social Development Centre (ISODEC) is an indigenous non-governmental organization that works in solidarity with those striving for social justice. Over the years, ISODEC has developed a track record as a champion for transformative and inclusive development which addresses the needs of the poor and excluded in society.

Established by the Open Society Initiative for West Africa (OSIWA) in 2005, the West Africa Civil Society Institute (WACSI) empowers civil society in West Africa to be responsive, collaborative, representative, resilient and influential through knowledge sharing, learning, connecting, and influencing.

Trades Union Congress Ghan
At the time of its formation in 1945, the Trades Union Congress had a total of 14 unions with a numerical strength of 6030. The mission of the TUC is “to unite all workers of Ghana into an independent and democratic organization for improved working and living conditions through collective action, solidarity and social partnership based on the principle of fairness and justice.”

Youth Bridge Foundation
The Youth Bridge Foundation (YBF) is a non-profit organization committed to harnessing the potential of the youth in Africa and the Diaspora by equipping them with appropriate platforms and resources that will enhance their socio-economic and mental well-being; and to advocate for inclusion and responsiveness to youth development needs and rights by those responsible for upholding such rights.

Ahaspora is an organization of young Ghanaian professionals who have lived or been educated outside Ghana and have returned home and want to use their knowledge, skills, and resources to make Ghana a better place to live. “Aha” is an Akan word for “Here” and “Spora” is a stem of Diaspora. The group aims to bridge the gap between those who are “Ahas”, Ahasporans, and Diasporans, by sharing ideas and experiences to build a true “Gateway to Africa”.

Ghana Federation of Disability Organizations
Previously known as the Ghana Federation of the Disabled, the Federation represents over 3 million persons with disabilities in Ghana. GFD champions engagements towards assuring the rights of persons with disabilities to access education, employment, health, economic welfare, recreation, the built environment, justice, information, and governance.

Right to Play
Through the power of Play, Right to Play works in some of the most difficult and dangerous places on earth to help children to stay in school and graduate, resist exploitation and overcome prejudice, keep themselves safe from disease, and heal from the harsh realities of war and abuse.